Seasonal Firefighters this year

It is with great pleasure that I announce that for a majority of the fire season, the Mosier Fire District will have Seasonal Firefighters on duty.

Through a Wildland Staffing Grant awarded to the District during the 2023 season but was unable to use at the time from the Oregon State Fire Marshall (OSFM), the District was able to allocate and use this grant during this years Wildfire Season.

The grant was approved and funded through the Oregon State Legislature and handed to the OSFM for implementation. This is an excellent opportunity for the Mosier Fire District to ensure adequate personnel being on duty in the event of a wildfire during the most important time; the initial phase of a fire.

Currently, there are no funds being allocated for this type of program for the next Fiscal Year. If you would like to see this great program stay, please contact our state legislators and encourage them to keep this funding going.