ODF Industrial Fire Precaution Level 1

Effective: 12:01 a.m., June 10, 2024
By virtue of the authority vested in me by ORS 477.625, ORS 477.670, and OAR 629-043-0070, I hereby
issue notice the following subject area is susceptible to damage by fire and proclaim Industrial Fire
Precaution Level 1 to be in effect:
All lands within the Central Oregon Forest Protection District, in regulated use areas MH-1 and
MH-4, and all forestland within one-eighth mile thereof.
Under Industrial Fire Precaution Level 1, the use of fire or power-driven machinery in any
operation area is unlawful unless such use is in compliance with the following:
All applicable fire prevention requirements of ORS Chapter 477 and OAR Chapter 629 Divisions
41 to 43.
The State Forester or an authorized representative may, in writing, approve a modification or waiver of
these requirements.
These restrictions shall remain in effect until replaced or terminated by an additional Closedown Order
of the State Forester or an authorized representative.