Mosier Fire District Board MeetingThursday, August 8th, 2024 at 6:00 p.m.

Public comment is accepted but is limited to a total of three minutes of spoken commentor 500 words of written comment. Written comment for the board meeting should be submitted by 2:00 pm to Todd Reeves at

The Mosier Fire Board is now doing hybrid meetings held at both the Mosier Senior Center, 500 E. 2nd, Mosier OR, and virtually by zoom. Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 865 0113 0674

Passcode: 5 digit Mosier ZIP code

Dial in: 1-253-215-8782 Registration or Participant ID: not required/applicable (bypass if asked)


Call to order

Agenda additions or corrections

Comments from the public

Consent agenda –

Today’s agenda;

Approve Minutes;



Volunteer Report

  1. Board
    a. Board Representative to September drill
    b. SDAO wrap-up, if necessary, regarding Open Meeting laws and SDAO email discussed at July
  2. Financials
    a. Review of spending to date on seasonal firefighters
    b. Move funds from LGIP to First Interstate
    c. Authority to move funds between accounts
    d. Discuss who should have access to LGIP
  3. JUF Update
    a. MOU Revisions Update/Board approval
    b. Other updates
  4. Chief’s report
  5. Correspondence
    Comments from the public
    Next month’s board meeting is scheduled for September 12, 2024