With colder weather right around the corner, the Mosier Fire District is offering to personally go and check on any resident of the fire district who may not have heat, be alone, have any other circumstances, or just to let them know that we care about them.
The MFD will be offering this service anytime the weather is below 32 degrees F. The check in will be done once a day (between mid morning and mid afternoon) and will not cost anything additional.
If you or a loved one would like to check on someone in the district, or you, yourself, would like to be checked on during these times, please send an email to chief@mosierfire.com and include the following information: Full name (first and last), Address, contact phone number (in the event of no response at the door), and any additional information you may feel would be relevant to know.
The information will be maintained in confidence and will be safeguarded and will not be distributed to anyone other than the fire chief, or his designee.
Please feel free to contact the Fire Chief @ (514) 478-3333 Monday through Friday. If no one answers, please leave your name, number, reference cold weather check in. Please do not leave any personal information on the answering machine.
One Team, One Community, One Family, One Mosier